Boiliemachine Nr 7 : “All-Eater”

970.00 1,490.00 

Boiliemachine Nr 7 : “All-Eater”

Our  “All-Eaters”  are equipped with stronger engines

The Type “All-Eater” was primarily developed for those private boilie-makers, who want to test many different boiliemixes which sometimes are difficult to roll.

The size/design is a bit looking like our “Profi-Machines”, but the weight is less, only about 38kg.

Special dimensioned rolls, a stronger engine and some other additional details are enabling this boiliemachine to “eat” nearly all mixes very quick – more quick than our “Kugel-Benz” boiliemachines of part 1) and more quick than any shell-roller can do.

Normally a sausage only needs 1 second to be eaten.

The weight of this boiliemachine is about 38 kg, the dimensions ( L/B/H ) are about 75/33/33cm.

SKU: 7 Category:

Additional information

Weight 37 kg
Dimensions 75 × 35 × 35 cm

14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 30

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